Best EMS Software in 2020 - Latest Quadrant Ranking Released by 360Quadrants

 Emergency Medical Service (EMS) is also referred to as an essential public service. In the sense of workplace safety, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) corresponds to emergency medical services that provide an emergency response at the scene of an accident to the wounded or sick. Emergency ambulance providers also carry wounded persons for diagnosis to medical centers. In incidents such as traffic crashes, burns, and blasts, emergency medical services offer emergency care. These facilities provide personnel from the hospitals and fire service who are qualified to enter and rescue unconscious people from the incident. The world in which they work is further specified by certain EMS technicians.

Recently, several vendors have been listed and released by 360Quadrants, providing the Best EMS software to help companies make successful investment decisions. These quadrants are developed through an in-depth evaluation of the vendor that offers a wide variety of capabilities and heads to the market sales forecast for the company. In the EMS Software domain, these quadrants are updated every quarter and include better analysis of the technological knowledge and performance of the vendors' technology.

360Quadrants conducts a detailed SWOT evaluation and analyzes the vendors chosen for placement accurately. This evaluation allows businesses to gain insight into new market prospects and trends to provide the necessary choices for growth and economic progression. 360Quadrants provides a comprehensive list of active market groups that simplify the process of supplier evaluation.

Quadrant Categorization for EMS Software

360Quadrants evaluates 20 vendors in the EMS Software space, and 10 vendors are categorized as Visionary Leaders, Innovators, Dynamic Differentiators, and Emerging Companies and placed in the quadrant.

ESO EHR, Emergency Reporting, Traumasoft EMS, and Nexgen CAD are identified as visionary leaders and placed on the quadrant in EMS Software Space.

New World Public Safety and ImageTrend EMS Critical Care have been described as innovators in EMS Software Space.

Medhost EDIS and DispatchBot are identified as Emerging companies in EMS Software.

EmsCharts and Omnigo have been categorized as Dynamic Differentiators in EMS Software.

360Quadrants Assessment Method

Usually, top EMS Software vendors are recognized by researchers and industry experts to be listed on quadrants after a considerable amount of analysis has been carried out. The vendor's analysis is conducted based on two main criteria—product reliability and market growth. Product reliability includes factors such as the selection of system features, technologies provided, models of deployment, and pricing methods implemented, while market growth includes factors such as global scope, served buyers, delivery systems, and marketing strategy for product placement.

The shortlisted vendors are then analyzed on more than 70 different criteria and parameters that include features such as Availability Indicator, Daily Unit Loading Analysis, EMS Service Roles Time Clock, NEMSIS Compliance, and many more by experts and researchers. These considerations and parameters are allocated weights, and a score for a given product is produced. This score would decide the placement of the supplier in the 360Quadrants.

About 360Quadrants

360Quadrants is the largest marketplace looking to disrupt USD 3.7 trillion of technology spends and is the only rating platform for vendors in the technology space. The platform provides users access to unbiased information that helps them make qualified business decisions. The platform facilitates deeper insight using direct engagement with 650+ industry experts and analysts and allows buyers to discuss their requirements with 7,500 vendors. Companies get to win ideal new customers, customize their quadrants, decide key parameters, and position themselves strategically in a niche space, to be consumed by giants and startups alike. Experts get to grow their brand and increase their thought leadership. The platform targets the building of a social network that links industry experts with companies worldwide.

360Quadrants will also be launching quadrants in fields such as Mining SoftwareExam Software, and Dental Software.


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